The following two datasets were published in:

S. Bak, E. Corvee, F. Bremond, and M. Thonnat (2012) Download
Boosted human re-identification using Riemannian manifolds.
Image and Vision Computing, Special Issue on Manifolds for Computer Vision, 30(6-7), 443-452.


This dataset contains 40 individuals extracted from two cameras. For each individual, 46 frames have been annotated manually from both cameras. Therefore we have 40 x 2 x 46 = 3680 annotated images


The sample images from iLIDS-MA dataset. Top and bottom lines correspond to images from different cameras. Columns illustrate the same person.


The manually annotated dataset (i-LIDS-MA) does not reflect a real video surveillance scenario where humans are detected and tracked automatically. Consequently, we have applied HOG-based human detector and tracker to obtain multiple images of individuals seen from both cameras. In this case, detection and tracking results are noisy which makes the dataset more challenging. This dataset contains 100 individuals. For each individual we have extracted automatically a different number of frames depending on tracking difficulties.


The sample images from iLIDS-AA dataset. Top and bottom lines correspond to images from different cameras. Columns illustrate the same person.

How to get the data?

For downloading this data sets, you need to have the right to access the i-LIDS Multiple-Camera Tracking Scenario (MCTS). Please contact me and confirm that you have the right to access the i-LIDS multiple-camera tracking scenario (HOME OFFICE i-LIDS data). It is distributed based on the licence given at i-LIDS. You have to confirm that you have already bought dataset from iLIDS. As i do not have pure annotations i need to send you cropped images (this is the reason why you must confirm that you already have the data). After your confirmation the link to download the data will be provided.